Hunt #1

The hunt consists of 5 clues which will result in 5 words. Those 5 words, separated by spaces, all lower case, are the key to a brainwallet.

  1. Uvf svefg anzr: aaaab baa baaaa abbbb bbaaa bbbbb aabbb bbbbb baaaa baa baaaa aaaaa aaabb ab aabbb bbbbb baaaa aaaab aaaaa bbaaa aaaaa baaaa aaaab bbbaa bbaaa bbbbb
  2. The Vale’s Protagonist.
  3. 比利时, 希腊, 土耳其, 希腊, 马耳他
  4. She had an “icy” loss to Rybak the year bitcoin was introduced to the world.
  5. Yd. jp.ayrp ru yd. zpzXcyjrcb nrir-o jay-o bam.v

Public address of prize wallet: 1KStX62TuU8qXDh4uXhAeCEjstyMy5yrrf